3 Signs You’re Approaching Marketing Burnout

Intensive launches, the hungry beast that is social media, the pressure for ‘fresh content’ every 24-hours.

Is there any surprise you’re getting burnt out by your marketing? 

You started your business to create more freedom and flexibility in your life.

But here you are ~ on a content creation treadmill and forcing yourself to be ‘visible’ 24/7. 

The business and work you once loved is starting to feel like a real chore. 

This isn’t what you signed up for is it?! 

And you’re wondering - how did I get here?

Well, all to often the online world is shouting at you ~ MORE, FASTER, SHINIER!!

And, let’s be honest, the fast-paced launches and shiny Instagram posts do work. And it’s exciting…


… you reach a stage where keeping up those superhuman levels of energy becomes impossible

If that’s how you’re feeling right now … You my friend are approaching, what I call, MARKETING BURNOUT.

Marketing burnout is something I’m hearing about from so many entrepreneurs online, and my done-for-you clients.

Annnd I’ve been through marketing burnout myself!

I dutifully followed the advice of all-that-noise & the examples of others..

Buuut I became tied to a cycle of exhausting launches, spending my life-minutes on Instagram, churning out throw-away content and offering ALL the products & services.

3 years of that cycle lead me to… BURNOUT.

It took me a year to regain my energy and start feeling inspired and excited about my marketing again.

I really don’t want you to go there!

Let’s get you a correct ‘marketing burnout’ diagnosis so you can shift gears and escape burnout ASAP!

3 signs you’re approaching marketing burnout

1: Your motivation is nowhere to be seen

You know what you need to and should be doing with your marketing - heck! You’ve been doing it for YEARS…

But now, your motivation is nowhere to be seen. 

You’ve lost the enthusiasm to do the marketing you used to find exciting and fun.

You’ve lost enthusiasm to talk about your favourite topics and to write/ record/ make the content you used to the enjoy the creativity of.

You can't force yourself to do one more launch, one more post, one more email - and it’s so unlike you. 

2: Your creative inspiration is MIA

At one time your brain was overflowing with ideas.

Now you can’t think of one goal you want to go after or one idea for your instagram content.

Your content ideas are MIA your creative inspiration has vanished. 

Every now and again an idea comes to you - thank god!

But you think through what you’ll need to do to take action on that and make it happen and any sign of motivation evaporates.

Right now you have zero creative inspiration ~ and it’s kinda scary!   

3: Social Media makes you angry

Being on social media leaves you feeling frustrated and irritable.

As you scroll, the content is either making you feel not-enough, or your comparing yourself to business owners shouting about their latest sell out launch.

Per-lease. That’s not what you need right now!

Or perhaps you’re feeling how I was back at the end of 2021, starting to feel the content on Instagram (that you used to love), now feels inauthentic, repetitive, same-y.

Intensive launches, the hungry beast that is social media, the pressure for ‘fresh content’ that lasts 24-hours. Is there any surprise we’re getting burnt out by our marketing? - Josephine Brooks |3 Signs You’re Approaching Marketing Burnout

If you’re feeling any of these BEWARE - marketing burnout is approaching!

By the end of 2021 I was feeling all of these things so acutely that I had to … QUIT IT ALL!

I QUIT spending time and energy on social media, I QUIT the endless launching, and I put my business in the bin.

I really don’t want you to have to take such drastic measures. 

If you have a suspicion that you’re well on your way to creative burnout - take a break as soon as you can.

The best way to recharge your creative batteries is to go cold turkey for a bit, or at least step back while your energy replenishes and your creative inspiration is nurtured back to health. 

But I also want you to know, there is another way…

Josephine Brooks sat on a sofa drinking tea.png

There is an alternative approach to the launch cycle, the content treadmill, feeling tied to social media and being ‘present’ to create content that’s on a constant 24 hour timer. 

After I quit the old version of my business - other business owners started hiring me to work behind the scenes in their businesses to build sales funnels & implement more sustainable marketing strategies.

I quickly learned I wasn’t alone in hustle town & burnout city ~ & neither are YOU!

They were approaching burnout too.

This all led to creating my sustainable, Freedom Friendly Marketing approach - that’s what I implement for myself and my clients.

I’ve seen what SUSTAINABLE marketing can do ~ it’s the perk of my job that I get to see BTS of what works and what doesn’t in my business and in my client’s.

If you want a taster of what that looks like… come along to my FREE masterclass AUTOMATE YOUR MARKETING - and get ready to enter your sustainable marketing era!


Wanna tuck this in your pocket to come back to? Pin it for later:

3 Signs You’re Approaching Marketing Burnout, From Your Intensive Marketing Routine - Josephine Brooks

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