Foraging ~ The New Mindfulness Hack

Embracing nature’s abundance in autumn

From the footpaths and country lanes around my home, I’ve gathered: apples, pears, walnuts, chestnuts, conkers, rosehips, hawthorn berries, quinces, juniper berries.

Forages apples - apple scrumping in autumn : fall - Josephine Brooks

There are three apple trees in the hedge line of a country lane near me, heaaaaaving with the most delicious red eating apples.

I fully intend to go raid it soon with my basket and foraging stick.

I feel like a squirrel preparing for winter. 

Foraged pears - Josephine Brooks

Nature has always been my therapist. Well… apart from my *actual* therapist.

I’ve realised that foraging in particular is one of the most mindful ways to spend time outdoors and reconnect with nature.

When I’m foraging, I’m rooted into the moment. I’m observing. I’m scanning the hedgerows for the best haul.

I’m doing something that would come so naturally and automatically to our ancestors.

Forages walnuts - Josephine Brooks

I LOOOOVE foraging for my food and ingredients for health-boosting teas and remedies. It’s something I think we could all benefit from having more knowledge of. 

Especially this time of year when there’s so much food we’re buying in supermarkets - easily accessible in the hedgerows.

Imagine how the world would heal if we replaced Shien hauls with foraging hauls.

Autumn foraging haul, apples, pears, walnuts, rosehips - Josephine Brooks.jpg

I’m pouring through all of my favourite nature books and sticky-noting recipes for natural remedies, seasonal cooking and natural-beauty and cleaning products.

I’m learning more about what’s growing and ripening, that I can eat and use every day. It’s an exciting adventure.

Foraged chestnuts - Josephine Brooks.jpg

Nature can offer us so much, for so little, and with a POSITIVE impact on our environment, unlike so much of what we buy in stores.

Not only is foraging good for our planet, it’s good for the soul.

Foraging is the new mindfulness hack.

Foraged rosehips - Josephine Brooks

Whilst my local supermarkets are struggling to maintain a steady supply of fresh veg. 

While the farm shop sells locally grown, organic apples at a premium.

The hedgerows, a mere 5-minutes drive away, are abundant with organic, local, sustainably produced, free food for the taking. 

Crate of foraged pears - Josephine Brooks

So while my neighbours give me and my basket funny looks…

… I’m fully leaning into foraging as the new mindfulness hack. Join me?

Wanna tuck this in your back pocket for foraging season? Pin it to Pinterest. ⤵

Foraging ~ The New Mindfulness Hack - Josephine Brooks

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