Find clarity, get focussed & use the lessons of the past 6 - 12 months to guide you forwards, in just 90-minutes.


🚨 grab it for only £27 and save 40% today 🚨

£45 £27


There’s so much to do! You jump from one task to the next, but never seem to get to the end of your to-do list.


You’ve reached the end of a big project in your business, or you’re feeling a little lost and unfocussed.


You wish you knew what you should be focussing on and which tasks and ideas were most important.

Just imagine…

💡 …finding a sense of clarity around where you need to be focussing in your business

😍 …feeling motivated and excited about your plans and goals again

🦸 …throwing aside the overwhelm, and knowing what you needed to let go of, and focus on to really move the needle in your business & lifestyle

Instead of going round in circles trying to figure out what your priorities are, and doing a little bit of everything…

…in 90 minutes you’ll get all the clarity and direction you need to move forward - intentionally.  


Reflect, Review, Re-focus Mini Course from Josephine Brooks

Find clarity, get focussed & use the lessons of the past 6 - 12 months to guide you forwards, in just 90-minutes

All for just £45 £27

I created this mini course to share the Reflect, Review, Re-focus process I go through whenever I feel stuck, lost or at the end of a significant season in my business or life.

In just 90 minutes, curled up with your journal and a hot cup of tea, you’ll:

  • REFLECT on your successes and challenges of last 6 - 12 months.

  • REVIEW the lessons you’ve learned that guide you forwards towards your goals.

  • RE-FOCUS on your big-picture goals, and the projects that will help you make your aspirations a reality.



    Gently reflect on the last 12-months and uncover wins you need to celebrate, and challenges that have taught you important lessons.


    Discover where there are gaps in your business & lifestyle, and uncover the lessons and nudges from the last year that will help you get back on the right path.


    Set intentions and find clarity around your priorities for the next 12-months. Make a ‘napkin plan’ for the year ahead that outlines your next 12-months.

I'm an ideas person. They flit in and out of my mind all the time.

This course works. It’s individualistic, and realistic. I love how I whittled my ideas down to a few focus points and set the rest aside. There is still space for inspiration to make itself known, but not be a distraction.

Sasha | Writer

I was feeling really stuck and overwhelmed in my business. Josephine really knows her stuff. She’s someone who has clearly lived what she teaches. I've found this process a truly effective and easeful way of planning which I'll definitely continue to use.

Fiona Cooper | Potter

The Reflect, Review, Refocus process helped me clearly identify specific projects and tasks I needed to complete in order to clean up what was dragging me down. I hadn't even realized how much that tangled mess was stressing me out. 

When I think about what I accomplished in Josephine's course, I'm really quite amazed. The result for me as a writer: I feel free of many fears. I feel great relief. I am writing consistently and there is momentum in my work.

Linda Sack | Writer


⏰ grab it for only £27 and save 40% today

£45 £27

*Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds. Please read this page carefully before purchasing.

Time for some REAL TALK….

If you want to meet your 2024 goals

…You need to get focussed, like… NOW. 

Because we’re 1/2 way through 2024. (WHAAAAT!?)

This 90-minute course is how you get back on track with your 2024 goals, in just 90-minutes.

Josephine Brooks Headshot

Hi, I’m Josephine

My mission is to introduce you to a freedom-friendly business approach that doesn’t rely on intensive marketing strategies and hustling until you burnout.

My approach is centred around doing less, and focussing on the most impactful projects and tasks, rather than getting stuck in the hustle and trying to find ever-more efficient ways to get things done. 

Reflecting, Reviewing and re-focussing is the first step to finding the right path for you and getting clear on what your priorities are.

The process I outline in this mini course are the EXACT steps I take whenever I feel overwhelmed, a little lost or I’ve reached the end of a big season or project.

I’m excited for you to find clarity and get motivated, and excited about your business again!

Don’t waste hours reading self help books and listening to podcasts  without taking action.

Take this 90 min course instead & make actual progress towards your goals and declutter your mind, like NOW.   

You’ll follow my proven process that gives you a refreshed sense of clarity and purpose in just 90-minutes.

Reflect, Review Refocus is perfect for mid-year to get dialled in again and back in touch with your goals. 

Wanna see behind the scenes?

Oh, go on then…

Inside, you’ve got…

  • My entire Reflect, Review, Re-focus process to help you recalibrate and get focussed and motivated in your business again

  • 11 short video lessons (ranging from 2-minute to 5-minute videos) that walk you step by step through each exercise

  • Lifetime access, so you can reflect, review, re-focus again and again.

This is your opportunity to follow the EXACT process I take whenever I feel overwhelmed, a little lost or I’ve reached the end of a big season or project in my business.

I’m excited for you to find YOUR clarity. 🤎