Nettle And Dandelion Soup Recipe

A soup that’s easy to forage for on your doorstep

My boyfriend was not convinced by this one but it turns out, he absolutely loves this soup. He is seriously fussy so if he likes it, the chances are you’ll love it too. 

Both Dandelions and Nettle tips are a source of vitamin A, C and K as well as a source of minerals including iron, magnesium and potassium.

Who knew there was a superfood growing outside your door that you can forage for and collect for free? And turn into a delicious (and super quick to make) soup. 

Nettle And Dandelion Soup Recipe - Foraging for your lunch - Josephine Brooks

Nettle & Dandelion soup ingredients:

  • A large colander-full of young nettle tops and about a third as much of young dandelion leaves (and some rubber gloves for picking your nettles).

  • One white onion.

  • A generous knob of butter

  • 750ml of Vegetable stock

  • Double cream

  • You’ll also need:

    • A blender 

    • Crusty bread to serve with your soup 

Foraging for Nettles and Dandelions for Soup | Josephine Brooks
Picking Nettles and Dandelions for Soup | Josephine Brooks
Foraging nettles and dandelions for soup - Josephine Brooks

1 | Collect

You want to get out and collect your nettle tops wearing rubber gloves.

It’s best to make this recipe in the spring when the nettle tops are young, tender and packed with flavour. You can always make a big batch and freeze some for later.

You want to be picking just the tops of the nettles and the baby dandelion leaves.

Wash your nettle tops and dandelions. I also had to pick a lot of grass out of mine as clearly I’m an impatient forager. 

Nettle & Dandelion Soup Recipe - foraged nettles and dandelions in a colander - Josephine Brooks

2 | Sauté your onion

Melt the knob of butter in a pan and roughly chop your onion.

Add your onions to the pan on a medium heat.

Cook them until they’re going translucent but not browning. 

Frying onions in butter - Josephine Brooks

3 | Cook your nettles & dandelions

Add your nettles and dandelions (wearing your rubber gloves).

Put the lid on and let them sweat for about five minutes on a low heat.

When you take the lid off they should have all wilted down. 

Add your vegetable stock and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, occasionally stirring.

Cooking nettles & dandelions for Soup - Recipe from Josephine Brooks

4 | Blend

Get your blender out and wizz up your soup.

Return to the pan and add a generous glug (or two or three) of double cream. Give it a taste and add pepper and salt as needed.

And… you’ve made yourself a nutrition-packed, foraged nettle and dandelion soup.

Add a drop of cream to the top of each serving and serve with generously buttered slices of crusty bread. Yum. 

Nettle & Dandelion Soup Recipe - Josephine Brooks
Nettle & Dandelion Soup Recipe
Nettle And Dandelion Soup Recipe - Foraging for your lunch - Josephine Brooks

Nettle And Dandelion Soup Recipe - A simple soup that’s easy to forage for all-year-round - Josephine Brooks.png

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